Showing posts with label Firefox. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Firefox. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Cepetin mozilla baru

Cara Ampuh Cepetin Mozilla ada sedikit cara untuk mempercepat koneksi internet anda pada saat browsing. tetapi hanya dapat dilakukan dengan Mozila firefox. 1. buka browser mozila firefox anda. 2. ketikan "about:config" di addres bar. lalu enter dan klik OK. 3. cari kata kata dibawah ini. disarankan menggunakan search text agar mudah mencarinya 4. klik dua kali untuk merubah optionya.
"network.http.pipelining" false menjadi true

"network.http.proxy.pipelining" false menjadi true

"network.dns.disableIPv6" false menjadi true

"network.http.max-connections" masukkan nilai "64"

"network.http.max-connections-per-server" masukkan nilai "21"

"network.http.max-persistent-connections-per-server" masukkan nilai "8"

"network.http.pipelining.maxrequests" masukkan nilai "100"
5. Klik kanan di area kosong.
pilih new - boolean. Ketik "content.interrupt.parsing" klik "OK" ganti "true"

pilih new - boolean. Ketik “content.notify.ontimer" klik "OK" ganti "true"

pilih new - integer. Ketik "content.max.tokenizing.time" masukkan nilai "1000000"

pilih new - integer. Ketik "content.notify.interval" masukkan nilai "500000"

pilih new - integer. Ketik "content.notify.backoffcount" masukkan nilai "5"

pilih new - integer. Ketik "content.switch.threshold" masukkan nilai "500000"

pilih new - integer. Ketik "nglayout.initialpaint.delay" masukkan nilai "0"
6. Restart Mozilla Firefox anda. 7. Rasakan perbedaannya

SuperSTOP, another great plugins that you must have (SUPER USER)

hey for super user mozilla. Cause my connections sometimes getting suck, I need stopping super long XMlHttpRequest, or GIF. By pressing Shift+esc, and all is done...
No more words,
SuperStop is very simple: it adds a Shift+Esc shortcut that stops active WebSocket connections, XMLHttpRequests, and any animated images, regardless of the state of the Firefox Stop button. This matches the behavior of the Esc button in versions of Firefox prior to Firefox 20