Showing posts with label Synapse. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Synapse. Show all posts

Friday, October 31, 2014

Helper for RAW STREAM and mimicking browser Lazarus, Freepascal ( Case: Login into GOOGLE )

 This where I learning using synapse and raw. ( note I dont have background on pascal or delphi )

As far I know, C# .net httpwebrequest is painfull when dealing with cookies. ( you can search in this blog, How hard to dealing with cookies ).

Then, just came to my mind we I dont move to socket programming. Its easier, RAW ( to be honest I just loved raw better than condom ) And just wrote what I need.

Basically I just ended up using synapse, Freepascal and lazarus for mimicking login into GOOGLE.

And Its weird, that I dont need using cookies to maintenance. Hey its just first step to RAW socket programming.