I have 2 files.
Save the file it is. Js.
Second, save the file. Iim.
Create a folder to save 2 files in blogger is me.
Forgot to mention.
For me.
Files in this work are as follows.
Files. Js save as anything.
Files. Imm saveBloggerCaptcha.iim only this file is the complete capture of tea, you need to enter username password death by captcha lines 17-18 to remove it.
This file is in the second. Macros \ blogger. Is located in the blogger itself.
Keyword.csv file in the datasource, it will load the data. Enter the colum I do not have to put the last column.
Run-time, double-click the file. Js it will loop according to maxRow = 5, it retrieves data from a csv 5 times to start the line with much of the loopBegin = 2 it would mean to the 2 line.
I. Blogger must be in English, then I changed the login information for the first corner on the right.
'----------------------------- Start Script .js File ------------------------------
function checkCaptCha(){ iimPlay("blogger/saveBloggerCaptcha"); goCon(); } function rand(){ var dt = new Date(); sec = dt.getSeconds(); if(sec > 8 || sec ==0 ){ sec = Math.ceil(sec%8); if(sec == 0){ sec = 2; } } return sec; } function chooseTheme(){ /* random theme */ randno = rand(); iimPlay("CODE: TAG POS="+randno+" TYPE=DIV ATTR=CLASS:outline"); iimPlay("blogger/startBlog"); /* เก็บค่าตัวแปร blogURL & blogID */ getBlogInfo(); /*config description & theme blogger*/ iimPlay("CODE:TAG POS=1 TYPE=A ATTR=TXT:Settings"+"\n"); iimPlay("CODE:VERSION BUILD=7300701 RECORDER=FX"+"\n" +"CMDLINE !DATASOURCE keyword.csv"+"\n" +"SET !DATASOURCE_COLUMNS "+maxCOL+"\n" +"SET !LOOP "+loopBegin+"\n" +"SET !DATASOURCE_LINE {{!LOOP}}"+"\n" +"TAG POS=1 TYPE=TEXTAREA FORM=NAME:blogOptions ATTR=ID:description CONTENT={{!COL1}}"+"\n" +"TAG POS=3 TYPE=DIV ATTR=TXT:Save'----------------------------- End Script .js File -------------------------------- 1 save as a file. Js. '----------------------------- Start Script ------------------------------Settings"+"\n" ); iimPlay("CODE:VERSION BUILD=7401110 RECORDER=FX"+"\n" +"CMDLINE !DATASOURCE keyword.csv"+"\n" +"SET !DATASOURCE_COLUMNS "+maxCOL+"\n" +"SET !LOOP "+loopBegin+"\n" +"SET !DATASOURCE_LINE {{!LOOP}}"+"\n" //+"TAG POS=1 TYPE=A ATTR=TXT:Design"+"\n" +"URL GOTO=http://www.blogger.com/rearrange?blogID="+blogID+"\n" +"FRAME F=1"+"\n" +"TAG POS=6 TYPE=A ATTR=TXT:Edit"+"\n" +"TAB T=2"+"\n" +"FRAME F=0"+"\n" +"ONDIALOG POS=1 BUTTON=OK CONTENT="+"\n" +"TAG POS=3 TYPE=DIV ATTR=TXT:Remove"+"\n" +"TAB T=2"+"\n" +"TAB CLOSE"+"\n" +"TAB T=1"+"\n" +"TAG POS=3 TYPE=DIV ATTR=TXT:Save"+"\n" +"TAG POS=1 TYPE=A ATTR=TXT:Posting"+"\n" ); } function getBlogInfo(){ /* detect blogID & URL */ blogID = iimExtractAlert("URL GOTO=javascript:alert(document.postingForm.blogID.value);"); //alert(blogID); blogURL = iimExtractAlert("URL GOTO=javascript:alert(document.getElementById(\"nav-viewblog\").getElementsByTagName(\"span\")[0].getElementsByTagName(\"a\")[0].getAttribute(\"href\"));"); //alert(blogURL); } function iimExtractAlert(triggerCode) { var msg, evtListener=function(evt){msg=evt.target.getAttribute('alt1')} document.addEventListener("alertEvent", function(e){evtListener(e)}, false, true); iimPlay("CODE:URL GOTO=javascript:var msg,alert_old=window.alert;" +"(function(){window.alert=function(str){msg=str;" +"alert_old(str);" //Remove if you don't want original alert message +"}})();\n" +triggerCode+"\n" +"ONDIALOG POS=1 BUTTON=OK CONTENT=\n" +"WAIT SECONDS=10\n" +"URL GOTO=javascript:(function(){alert=alert_old;var element=document.createElement('dElm');" +"element.setAttribute('alt1',msg);document.documentElement.appendChild(element);" +"var evt=document.createEvent('Events');evt.initEvent('alertEvent',true,false);" +"element.dispatchEvent(evt)})();"); document.removeEventListener("alertEvent", function(e){myListener(e)}, false, true); return msg; } function excute(){ while (loopBegin<=maxROW){ fillBlogger(); loopBegin++; iimPlay("CODE:WAIT SECONDS=60\n"); } } excute();
VERSION BUILD=7401110 RECORDER=FX TAB T=1 SET !ERRORIGNORE YES SET !ERRORCONTINUE YES SET !EXTRACT_TEST_POPUP NO TAB T=1 'VERSION BUILD=7300701 RECORDER=FX SET !VAR1 image{{!NOW:yyyymmdd_hhnnss}}.jpg ONDOWNLOAD FOLDER=D:\imacro\captcha_blogger FILE={{!VAR1}} TAG POS=1 TYPE=IMG ATTR=ALT:Visual'----------------------------- End Script --------------------------------verification CONTENT=EVENT:SAVEITEM TAB OPEN TAB T=2 URL GOTO=http://api.deathbycaptcha.com/decaptcher?function=picture2&print_format=html TAG POS=1 TYPE=INPUT ATTR=NAME:username CONTENT= TAG POS=1 TYPE=INPUT ATTR=NAME:password CONTENT= TAG POS=1 TYPE=INPUT ATTR=NAME:pict CONTENT=D:\imacro\captcha_blogger\{{!VAR1}} TAG POS=1 TYPE=INPUT ATTR=TYPE:submit TAG POS=6 TYPE=TD ATTR=* EXTRACT=TXT SET !VAR2 {{!EXTRACT}} TAB CLOSE TAB T=1 TAG POS=1 TYPE=INPUT:TEXT FORM=NAME:newblog ATTR=ID:f-captchaAnswer CONTENT={{!VAR2}}
Save the file and put saveBloggerCaptcha.iim death by captch id in line 16, 17.
The file is keyword.csv.
Amzon ** they do not have to do it. I cut out some of this code. I will post back. System me.
var loopBegin = 2; / / begin 2 is a csv file with columns. ฉaag because it is not my first row is set to 2.
var maxROW = 2; The amount of information we have on file keyword.csv 5 is a 5 to a loop by this.
Source= http://imacroscriptfree4you.blogspot.com/2012/04/imacro-comment-you-must-have-death-by.html