Thursday, March 26, 2020

Icon in Application Golang, using rsrc & lxn/walk



Taken from as my note

You can use a tool like akavel/rsrc in order to generate a .syso file with specified resources embedded in .rsrc section, aimed for consumption by Go linker when building Win32 excecutables.

See as an example the lxn/walk application, which embeds other metadata in its executable.

rsrc [-manifest FILE.exe.manifest] [-ico FILE.ico[,FILE2.ico...]] -o FILE.syso

comma-separated list of paths to .ico files to embed

For more detail in GOLANG APPS from

his only sets the Icon for the console window but not for the Walk GUI window.
To have those also use that same Icon use:

var appIcon, _ = walk.NewIconFromResourceId(3) // number 3 is resource ID printed by RSRC.exe while making accounting.syso

and then add this to each MainWindow or Dialog:

 Icon:     appIcon,

The build would look something like this example (after which the icon also works from in the Visual Studio Code IDE)

cd C:\Build\accounting
C:\Build\Go_tools\rsrc.exe -manifest accounting.manifest -ico accounting.ico -o accounting.syso
go build -ldflags -H=windowsgui