Taken from https://stackoverflow.com/questions/25602600/how-do-you-set-the-application-icon-in-golang as my note
section, aimed for consumption by Go linker when building Win32 excecutables.See as an example the lxn/walk application, which embeds other metadata in its executable.
rsrc [-manifest FILE.exe.manifest] [-ico FILE.ico[,FILE2.ico...]] -o FILE.syso
:comma-separated list of paths to .ico files to embed
For more detail in GOLANG APPS from https://github.com/lxn/walk/issues/361#issuecomment-468228063
his only sets the Icon for the console window but not for the Walk GUI window.
To have those also use that same Icon use:
var appIcon, _ = walk.NewIconFromResourceId(3) // number 3 is resource ID printed by RSRC.exe while making accounting.syso
and then add this to each MainWindow or Dialog:
Icon: appIcon,
The build would look something like this example (after which the icon also works from in the Visual Studio Code IDE)
cd C:\Build\accounting
C:\Build\Go_tools\rsrc.exe -manifest accounting.manifest -ico accounting.ico -o accounting.syso
go build -ldflags -H=windowsgui